Unforgettable places in the USA
Here’s the places that I’ve visited that I think are the most unforgettable.
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Mesa Verde
I find that the historical significance of Mesa Verde to be intriguing. I’ve been there
a number of times, but I keep wanting to return.
Yellowstone National Park has to be the most spectacular natural display in the world.
I think that it’d almost be impossible to see everything that’s there.
Carlsbad Caverns
I’ve always had an urge to view underground areas. Unfortunately, I’m not capable of being a splunker, so I’m
limited to areas that have been prepared so that the average person can access
them. Carlsbad Caverns National Park is the most impressive of these places.
Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad
Since I was a child, I’ve had an interest in trains, especially steam trains. Both real trains and
model trains tended to attract me. I’ve built two train layouts and tried to ride on steam trains
anytime I had the chance.
While not a natural wonder, the Silverton Railroad has an appeal for me
that won’t go away, so I want to share it here. In addition to the Silverton Railroad, there are
many other vintage railroads around the country that offer the chance to take a ride.
I’ve been to Washington one time for a four days and the entire experience was awesome. Of everything
there, Smithsonian was the most impressive. It would take years to see everything there. I’ll have
to settle for the link I’m providing here, lol.