State of Mind Concert
Recently I found a technician to recover some of my old master reel to reel tapes
and he was able to rescue and transfer this concert to the computer. The concept of the
State of Mind Concert was to present a jazz big band, but let players have latitude to
express themselves. During the concert, I was making changes, additions and real time decisions
as we played. There are places where some of the players take a second or two to respond to my
directions and a few notes get lost. I felt it was a reasonable trad-off to treat the audience to
a unique listening experience. I did all of the arranging and all the compositions with the exception
of ‘Mike and Victor’ which was composed by my good friend and excellent drummer, Jim Plank. Hi Composition
is a tribute to Mike Wofford and Victor Feldman.
The concert was many years ago, but I’m trying to remember the musicians. Some of the featured players where
Jim Plank – drums, Bob Magnusson – bass, Butch Laey – piano, Steve O’Connor – guitar, Birdie Carter – alto sax,,
Joe Marillo – tenor sax, Art Mooshegian – trumpet. Trombone solos were handled by Ron Berger and myself.