Documents to share
By the United States in Congress assembled, SEPTEMBER 13, 1788. When I saw this document at the National Archives during my visit to Washington D.C. it was the highlight of the trip. It’s encased in a ‘bullet proof’ glass case that contains nitrogen and can be withdrawn in case of emergency to protect it.
When I heard that the Dead Sea Scrolls (Close the window to get back to this site) were going to be exhibited in San Diego, I know I had to so see them. For years, I’d dreamt about seeing them in person assuming that it would be impossible. To be able to view, in person, something that’s that old just seemed unreal.
Cleo Award – Best of All, It’s a Cadillac
Cleo awards are the ‘Academy Award’ of Advertising. My company won a ‘Cleo’ for my arrangement of ‘Best of all, It’s a Cadillac’. A copy of that award is presented here.
My composition, ‘Music For Winds and Strings’ was a winner in a competition for the California Composer’s Symposium’. I attended the
rehearsal and performance of the piece in Sacramento. Unfortunately, the only copy of the recording of this concert was later stolen from my home.
I do have a rehearsal tape of ‘Music for Winds and Strings, and it’s posted in this website.
I just like this art work so I’m including it here. At one time, I had three small pictures, all in this style, and I decided to have them turned into one graphic for a record album that I was doing. This is a copy of that artwork. I’ve made this image an unofficial symbol of my musical life.
This is a copy of the actual musician union contract for the Glenn Miller band for the recording made of his music for the movie ‘Orchestra Wives’.
Imagine if a world map was shaped by each country’s population, not it’s boundaries. What would the world look like?/h4>
When I first saw the inside of the house that would later become my home in Grand Junction, I was surprised to see an original ‘air brushed’ wall mural at the end of the living room. It’s 8ft./8ft. and it appears to be a depiction of ‘Angel Falls’ in Venezuela and I want to share it here.
During World War II, most adults tried to donate blood to help supply needed blood for the
military. My mother and her best friend, Karen, were no exception. While we were waiting, a reporter decided
that this would be an opportunity for some social interest in the local paper. This is Karen’s small daughter, Linda
and myself. You can see who’s causing all the trouble. But isn’t that what made this photo interesting?
This is the Con Brio ADS 200, (Close the window to get back to this site) the most amazing synthesizer ever created.
At the time that the ‘Con Brio’ was concieved, synthesizers were selling for around $500 and the three partners thought
those prices were obscenely high, so they thought they could produce a better synthesizer than available for less money.
So, of course, they went on the produce the most expensive synthesizer ever produced ($30.000). It was, by far, the best
synthesizer of it’s time.
Only three were ever made and only one was sold. That one was used in many Hollywood movies. I had the chance to rent
it for one of my music tracks for the Reuben H. Fleet Space Theatre. I’m embarrassed to admit that it cost me $1200.00 to use
it in the recording. Two men had to transport it from Pasadena to San Diego for the recording session.
Way back in the olden days of CP/M, the first role play game (in text) called
‘Adventure’ had a secret word that was magical and could do almost anything. The word was Zzyzx. It looks
like somebody took that word very seriously. This sign is in the Mohave Desert in the middle of nowhere. Is that a message?